What you need to know about adopting the best cat

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I have some very crucial news to share with you today! June is adopt A cat Month. and what best timing, because this is “kitten season” when lots of shelters are overflowing with cats and kittens in need of a home. I am lucky enough to have a home filled with lots of love and treats and toys. but many, lots of cats are less fortunate and can only dream of one day having a home of their very own, too.

Are you thinking of adding a cuddly cat or kitten to your home? If so, this Pet Lover’s guide to Adopting a cat has everything you need to know before bringing your new kitty home.

I also have some extra “inside” information about adopting a new cat that I would like to share with you. See the black and white cat sneaking around behind me? That’s Harley. He lived for lots of months in a shelter before he was adopted and pertained to live with me. Harley often ruins my good times and acts like a maniac. You might be thinking, “But Daisy, what if I adopt a cat and I get a bad one like Harley?”

Here is the secret: I still love the maniac! So no matter which cat or kitten you choose, I know you will love him or her. Also, you will feel very extra-happy that the cat you adopted doesn’t have to live in a shelter any more. I know the other cats in Harley’s shelter were delighted to see him go, on account of he liked to hog all the toys.

Daisy the Curly CatPet Adoption

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