The significance of diet – Feeding sick animals

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Sometimes we aren’t sure what is wrong with our animals but we typically have a strong feeling that something is wrong when our animals are not eating well. Our animals may be predisposed to food-related problems such allergies, obesity, food allergies, cardiomyopathy, and even osteoarthritis. over the years I have discovered that when one of my dogs would not eat regular canine food for a day or so, they typically are much more than prepared to eat a piece of cooked liver; when the canine however is not prepared to eat a small piece of cooked liver, it’s time to go to the veterinarian for a workup.

Some dogs are predisposed to becoming obese because they have genes associated with obesity including breeds such as Labrador Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels and certain Terriers. giving such a pet a low-calorie natural diet that is not too high in the wrong kinds of carbohydrates and including just the best amount of clean protein could show beneficial. One time I purchased a supermarket brand of “diet” food and although it seemed to have fewer calories per serving, it contained the wrong kinds of carbohydrates. The problem with that food is that because my pet was not getting the proper nutrition he started looking in other places to supplement his diet, such as the cat litter box. Needless to say that didn’t work out too well.

After much trial and error I discovered that feeding the appropriate quantity of an all-natural canine food that is made with wholesome ingredients is typically the best approach. Halo Spot’s foods are an example of foods that are formulated to include optimum amounts of protein and to offer complete nutrition. another good thing about Halo spot foods is that when I open up the can it best away feels that it was made at home with some TLC. Halo spot foods also do not include corn or wheat gluten, and are without chemicals or preservatives. Although this is one brand that I have used personally, there are other foods that are also natural and totally free from excess carbohydrates and chemicals. If uncertain it is always a good idea to ask your veterinarian, your pet nutritionist, or your pet’s pharmacist for suggestions.

Many animals have food allergies. Dogs and cats become allergic to food if the immune system recognizes the food as harmful, causing them to react to it. With canine allergies, we will typically see inflammation of the legs and ears for example. With cat food allergies it is common to see redness and itching of the head and neck. many of the time food allergies are caused by proteins from meat, corn, wheat, soy, and potatoes. One way to decrease the symptoms is to feed a limited ingredient at a single time. This also enables isolation of the food that is causing the allergic reaction. Omega 3 fatty acid supplements can also decrease inflammation throughout the body.

In addition to obesity and allergies, diabetes mellitus is another disease that is numerous times associated with food, and the wrong quantity and kind of foods. Diabetes is a deficiency of insulin or resistance to insulin so that sugars in the blood no longer enter cells where they can offer energy. Instead, sugar remains in the blood stream. female dogs are much more likely to become diabetic but both sexes face the risk. animals with diabetes ought to be fed at the same time with the same amount of food daily. This helps keep the blood glucose at a constant level and enables for better disease control. Foods with complex carbohydrates are digested slower; vegetables like sweet potatoes and carrots are much more desirable than foods with easy carbohydrates (simple sugar). Some diabetic animals benefit from diets that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. The benefits from diets high in fiber include prevention of a surge in blood glucose shortly after eating the meal. Fiber also helps animals produce short-chain fatty acids that are used by the liver to control blood sugar levels.

Besides obesity, allergies, and diabetes, dilated cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease) is a condition where the heart is large but the walls are thin. As a result, cardiomyopathy prevents the heart from contracting sufficiently. one of the reasons animals develop dilated cardiomyopathy is the lack of the amino acid taurine. many modern diets have been formulated with enough taurine to avoid this disease. In addition to taurine, animals may also benefit from receiving antioxidants in the diet.

There are numerous other conditions such as joint diseases, arthritis and hip dysplasia, among others, for which your pet could be at enhanced risk when fed too much of the wrong food. too much food too soon, while the pet is growing is a major risk element for numerous joint diseases and other health problems.

In today’s day and age we are all continuously made aware of the significance of proper diet to maintain health. A bit of a caloric restriction in humans has actually been one of the most useful things to do for prolonging health and life in general, and proper diet in proper quantities are as essential for our pets.

As always, if you have any questions about your pet’s health don’t hesitate to call and schedule an appointment with your veterinarian who is the best person to help you maintain a healthy pet for numerous years. If you have any medication related questions, your 1800PetMeds pharmacist is also available to answer those for you.

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