Lumps and Bumps in senior animals

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As dogs get older, it is very common to find the appearance of various lumps and bumps either above the skin, or felt under the skin. Some dogs may have multiple growths all over the body.   In fact, the incidence of skin growths in dogs is probably much higher than it is in people. Fortunately, many of these growths are benign ones such as warts, cysts, skin labels and fatty tumors known as lipomas.While benign growths comprise the large majority of these lumps, malignant cancers known as mast cell tumors may in some cases imitate other growths. If in doubt, a veterinary exam and needle aspiration of the lump will often distinguish mast cell tumors from the much more common benign growths described here.

After 20 years of medical experience, both as a holistic and conventional veterinarian, I am convinced that over-vaccination of adult and senior animals plays a significant role in numerous of these growths.  In fact, the homeopathic remedy Thuja is often quite helpful in the management of numerous of these cases, and is one of the major remedies in treating diseases brought about by vaccination.

While one should follow the law with regards to rabies vaccination, I would strongly recommend skipping other core viral vaccinations such as parvo and distemper in adult animals previously vaccinated.  Fortunately there are now blood vaccination antibody tests, which can file existing immunity, thus avoiding giving vaccines that are no longer necessary.

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