How Did My Pet get Worms?

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Intestinal parasites are common in younger puppies and kittens and, to a lesser extent, adult and senior pets. In fact, lots of veterinarians and animal guardians often forget that a lot of puppies and kittens are born with certain parasites such as roundworms which are often transmitted from mother to puppies prior to birth or shortly after birth through the milk. In a lot of other cases, adult and senior family pets develop an innate immunity to lots of intestinal parasites, and are typically less prone to intestinal parasites. In these cases fecal/oral transmission is the normal mode of infection with family pets acquiring parasites through ingestion of eggs from contaminated soils or by licking feces of an infected animal.

Diagnosis of intestinal parasites is typically made by microscopic exam of feces and fecal flotation done at the veterinary office. Treatment of intestinal parasites will depend upon the certain type of parasite present. In lots of cases, if family pets are placed on monthly heartworm prevention medication such as Sentinel or Heartguard lots of intestinal parasites can be prevented, as these monthly medications also control and stop lots of intestinal parasites.

Intestinal ParasitesWorms

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