Did I hear No a lot more Litter Box?

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Cat owners very well know the struggles of maintaining a litter box. No matter how clean you keep it, there always seems to be a nasty smell emanating from it and you always seem to be finding bits of litter in the most random places in your home, like the stove or in between the buttons on the TV remote.  Now, it’s a whole other issue if your cat stops using it. As cat owners know, it’s no doubt that felines can be very finicky—especially when it pertains to their litter box. If their box isn’t up to their standards for a variety of reasons, you might be finding little surprises around your home. If you’ve been dreaming of a litter-free home, the Litter Kwitter may be your best option!

Why did my cat stop using the litter box?

First thing’s first, it may be a medical problem such as a urinary tract infection or Feline Urethral Obstruction (FEO), which is a potentially dangerous condition where concentrated urine crystallizes and clogs the urethra. If your cat is not using the litter box and you suspect it’s a medical issue, contact or take him to your veterinarian.

Once your kitty is all taken a look at and good to go, it’s time to step on to other reasons he or she is not using the litter box:

Dirty litter box- Cats are clean creatures and they don’t like stepping in their own waste. If their litter box hasn’t been cleaned for a couple days, they might be finding the next best spot to eliminate, which could be your pillow.

Small litter box- maybe the litter box you purchased for your kitten was a best size, but now it may be too small for your adult cat to easily eliminate.

Not enough litter boxes- homes with multiple cats must have multiple litter boxes. Unfortunately, cats don’t like to share sometimes.

New litter- A lot of cats don’t like change and a new litter that smells and feels different may not be appealing to your feline friend.

There are lots of a lot more reasons your cat isn’t using the litter box, ranging from negative associations your cat has with the litter box to your cat having high anxiety and anxiety levels. training your cat to use the toilet can make for a happier home for both you and your kitty.

Litter Kwitter makes toilet training your cat a breeze!

Seriously! easily train your cat with the Litter Kwitter training kit. This easy-to-use kit consists of the essentials to train your cat to use the toilet in just 8 weeks or less. You could have a litter box-free home in only 2 months.

The Litter Kwitter comes with a universal base plate that fits all conventional toilets, three color-coded training disks for each stage of toilet training, an instruction booklet, and a 30-minute instructional DVD that has step-by-step directions.

Once you start training your cat, he or she will slowly become a lot more comfortable with each stage of training until your home is litter-free. think of your guests’ faces when they see your cat politely using a toilet!

If your cat is over 3 months old and can confidently jump and balance on the toilet seat, then he or she is a best candidate to be toilet trained.



Win a complimentary Litter Kwitter!

It’s time to leave that litter box in the dust and train your cat to use the toilet! just leave a comment below and you could win a complimentary Litter Kwitter from 1800PetMeds!
One winner will be chosen at random on Monday, March 26, 2018, so everyone who participates has a chance to win! (Limited to residents of the U.S.) good luck!

Congrats to the drawing winner, John P! look for an email from us about claiming your prize. 


cat BehaviorCat HealthGiveawaysPet CarePet HealthUrinary Infections

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