Daisy takes the FroliCat Pounce toy for a spin

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It’s time for me to get to work! As part of my official tasks as a toy Tester, I have been asked to try out this FroliCat Pounce rotating cat Teaser, so I have made time in my busy schedule. My paw is all limbered up and ready!

My assistant Harley is especially ecstatic to try out this toy. Harley has always loved chasing lizards but now that we have moved to this highrise building, he has no chance to practice his hunting skills. The yellow mouse in the toy is called “Marshal Maus.” When you turn the toy on, the mouse moves backwards and forwards and moves all around the track and into the hidey-holes in the track. Harley says “Let the playing begin!”

I’ll snoopervise while Harley gets started. WHOA, that wacky mouse sure is unpredictable! Harley and I are fascinated with it.

I’ll just step aside and let Harley take over. This toy has a timer so it automatically turns off after 10 minutes so Harley can’t spend all day playing with toys and forget about his other obligations.

One of the cool things about this toy is it has four different speed settings. Harley enjoys the fastest speed setting the most.

I’ll just keep an eye on Harley to make sure he follows the guidelines for this game. You might recall another occurrence Harley had at the track…

Harley and I both thought this toy was tons o’ fun. and great news: we have two to give away! just leave a comment on this blog post to be entered in our random drawing. good luck!

UPDATE: Congratulations to Karen Rutkowski and Lisa M! You won our random drawing for the FroliCat Pounce toy. look for an email from us.

cat Toys

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