Cats Are Heroes!

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Do you understand what this black thing is? It is a pester rat! Well, this is just a toy, not a genuine online pester rat.  as well as that is a great thing, since long ago, some rats brought bubonic plague.  In the middle Ages, millions of  people lost their lives.  exactly how did people get the bubonic plague?  From rodent fleas that jumped off the plague-infected rats! (Those are a different type of fleas than the feline fleas that dogs or cats may have)

One of the reasons there were so lots of rats around is because, back then, cats were outlawed or even killed in medieval Europe since of superstitious beliefs about cats.  With so few cats, the rat population exploded, making the pester even worse.

Eventually, people started to recognize that the people who kept cats were less likely to get the disease. It was lastly comprehended that rats were the genuine problem, as well as cats ended up being the heroes of the story.  right here is Harley, demonstrating what he would do if he ever saw a genuine pester rat.

Plague rattie, you are extremely bad! as well as fleas, too. I believe this story proves that cats are to be treasured.

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