Blogger Alert: Networking, new Speakers, complimentary drawing for CWA conference In Houston June 7-9

It’s about the #Networking, #Cat-Loving Peeps!

(New York – updated may 4, 2018)  #Meowzz! #Catwriters #Catbloggers Not sure where to turn with all the recent changes in the blogosphere and digital landscape? Head to Houston June 7-9 for the annual #Catwriters Conference. Here’s what you’ll get:

2 Days of writing & publishing Seminars

Editor Appointments

Keynote Address on Branding

Meet & Greet Sponsors

Book Signing event (at the cat Show!)

Awards banquet (wear your BLING!)

Entry to CFA regional cat Show

Network with like-minded writers & publishing pros

Now Available! One or two day passes! A complimentary ticket drawing, new speakers and a lot more networking opportunities have all been added to the annual CWA Writers conference scheduled for Houston June 7-9, 2018.  The complimentary ticket drawing runs through may 18th. new speakers include veteran book author Patricia Fry and influencer Lea-Ann Germinder, editor and publisher of added to the research Panel. The Certificate of excellence Winners have been announced, the session speaker line-up looks meowvelous, what are you waiting for? Whether your passion is cats, dogs, historical fiction, or sky diving with umbrellas, the annual CWA Writers conference welcomes both bloggers and standard writers, and those who cross all genres – any individual interested in writing and publishing. check out the sessions below and REGISTER FOR THE conference HERE!

Lea-Ann Germinder and Janiss Garza will speak at the CWA Conference. Rumor has it Janiss’ celebrity adventure cat summer will join her. Fellow CWA member Sharon Melynk joins the party at the amazing recent BlogPaws conference in Kansas City.


The hybrid Author: publishing Print, Ebooks & Audio (Friday, June 8, 3:00 p.m.)

Read Amy’s new Goodnewsforpets interview on why attend the conference – her 24th!

Amy Shojai

Presented by Amy Shojai 

Publishing has changed, and there are lots of paths today to success. Authors no longer need an agent or new York publisher to become successful–but it still takes work! This session covers the options available, with some down-and-dirty insider ideas for diy print books (with illustrations), Ebooks, and audio titles. Learn a lot more about Amy’s publishing work here



Adventure Cats and cat Training: What cat Writers need to know (Saturday, June 9, 9:45 a.m.)

Read Janiss’ new Goodnewsforpets interview about her session and her work with summer her cat!

Janiss Garza & Summer

Presented by Janiss Garza

Janiss runs a popular blog,  & FitCat Publishing. Rumor has it summer will be at the conference, too! cat writers need to stay on the cutting edge of cat behavior and training so they can offer information about feline enrichment and human-cat relationships. Now, a lot more than ever, people want their cats to be part of their lives, to travel and go places with them. They love having cats that do tricks and that are outgoing and confident. While a lot of people think of dogs when it pertains to therapy pets, there is actually a terrific need for therapy cats in hospitals and other facilities. This session will focus on all the new ways people (and potential readers) are thinking about cats, and how writers can technique this growing and colorful topic in their writing. Learn a lot more about FitCat publishing here.



 PANEL DISCUSSION: Research: First, Last, and Always (Friday June 8, 9:30 a.m.)

Presented by Arden Moore, Amy Shojai, Patricia Fry, Lea-Ann Germinder

Arden Moore

Patricia Fry

Research is not a chore; it is fun & inspiring! research not only gives your work credibility, but it leads writers, like detectives, into finding obscure facts that can cause new ideas and directions in their fields. This session will focus on how crucial research is to a writer–whether producing blogs, articles, nonfiction books or novels. Our superstar panel will go over how they conduct their research and give ideas and tricks on how we can incorporate vetted research into everything we write.Professional pet journalist & multi-published nonfiction author, Arden Moore also teaches pet first aid. Amy Shojai is a blogger & multi-published author. Patricia Fry is a multi-published nonfiction & fiction author who has researched her for 45+ years. Lea-Ann Germinder is Goodnewsforpets editor & publisher.

Lea-Ann Germinder







Changing the world through Fiction: 7 (plus 1) techniques to successfully promote your point of view(Friday, June 8, 11:00 a.m.)

Presented by:  Mollie Hunt

Molly Hunt

Today, society calls for a lot more from a fiction writer than a fluff-piece. It is our obligation as writers to bring light to the causes and conflicts of our world. This session will cover methods that even the coziest of writers can carry out to gently present their valueswithin their story. Find out a lot more about Mollie & her books here.





Brand Yourself! presenting a Unified image Online(Friday, June 8, 2:00 p.m.)

Presented by: Lynn Thompson

Lynn Thompson

How’s your online image? This session walks authors and bloggers through building an integrated digital marketing program that incorporates a website, blog, videos, wikis, social media platforms, and email marketing. You will also learn how to optimize your web site and drive traffic to your site using social media. So join us for an interactive session and walk out with your very own marketing plan! Learn a lot more about Lynn here.



Cat photography Made basic (Friday, June 9, 4:15 p.m.)

Rick Reichenbach

Presented by Rick Reichenbach

Eye-catching images add much to an post or book, but cats are hard to photograph; or so the common wisdom holds. It is a rare cat that will hold a pose while you fetch your cam and fiddle with the settings, and you can’t just tell kitty to turn his head a bit a lot more toward the light or straighten his shoulders. but these challenges do not indicate that cats are tough to photograph. rather they suggest that you must listen to your cat and photograph him doing something he wants to do. This session will show participants how to capture engaging images by turning kitty’s routine, routines and natural instincts to their photographic advantage. Learn a lot more about Rick he

#Storytelling methods That work for Your brand – Both online and Off!(Saturday, June 9, 11:15 a.m.)

Presented by: Lea-Ann Germinder, APR, Fellow PRSA

Lea-Ann Germinder with celebrity cat Nala

Storytelling has become a popular method to get a message across in both standard and digital media channels. In this session, publisher & founder Lea-Ann Germinder will give concrete examples of what works and what doesn’t based on both her national campaign work and her own #PowerofPink initiative. learn the current trends in both social and standard media, concrete ideas on how to get the most out of standard media and social media and the best go to resources. Find out a lot more about Lea-Ann’s story here.




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